Feeds & Grains


Corn is a rich source of both vitamins and minerals. Maize contains plenty of potassium and also calcium, iron, protein, sodium, B 6 and B 12 vitamins. Corn is known to be a cereal product. It grows on stems extending up to two meters. The most common type of corn is corn with yellow grains. However, there are also brown, purple and red grains along with yellow grains.

Maize is a food that has many benefits for human health as it contains lots of vitamins and minerals. There is not much calcium in corn. However, when compared with the calcium needs of the human body, it can partially meet this need, albeit in a small amount.


Barley is a one-year long day plant. But it can also accommodate different day lengths. It is one of the most sibling plants among cereals. Usually, it gives 5 to 8 brothers. Plant height is approximately 35-100 cm. Ears are 8 to 15 cm long and have 2, 4 and 6 rows.

It develops well in places that are not too cold and not too hot, and where relative humidity is high. The most suitable soils for this plant, rich in organic matter, spindle, suitable for ventilation and humidity, neutral reaction (pH 5 to 8) soils.

Removes inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract. It helps to shed kidney and sand stones. Prevents prostate growth. Stops vomiting. Relieves throat and headaches. Removes inflammation of the tongue. Headache and throat pain relief is among the benefits of barley. Boiled with vinegar scabies, eczema, such as itchy skin diseases are useful if applied. Good for insomnia.



Wheat, Triticum, is known as the herbaceous and one-year plant that is cultivated all over the world. Wheat, which can be grown in terrestrial climate, is one of the most sown and grown agricultural products worldwide with corn.

Wheats are divided into 3 different groups according to their production. These are durum wheat, biscuit wheat and bread wheat. The color of wheat, which can be white, yellow, amber, red, is actually determined according to the seed shell.

Wheat; Calcium, iron and zinc that the body has absorbed are stored. Its nutritional value contains factors that prevent wheat, intestinal and rectal cancer, potentially higher than oats and corn. However, it is a little more difficult to digest than oats and corn. Many studies have shown that unlike refined grains, adding whole grains to the diet reduces cholesterol and triglycerides.

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Soybean, a three-leaved and feathered member of the legumes family, is a white-seeded plant with a height of one meter. Contrary to popular belief, soybeans are not only food; It is used as raw material in pharmaceutical, alcohol, paper, fertilizer and oil industries.

Soya bean has a very nutritious content. It is a treasure in terms of protein. It can be said that it is the number one in preventing nutritional diseases which contain even unsaturated fats, fiber, vitamin B, omega 3 and amino acids.

Soybean Pellets

It is a pelleted feed product obtained by separating the seeds from the husk before oil extraction to obtain high protein soybean oil and soybean meal from soybean seeds. The separated shell is crushed and crushed and heat-treated into pellets.

The pelleted soybean husk is used to feed into livestock or as raw material in animal feed production and fiber production.

This product is a valuable source of nutrients containing nutrients useful in the feeding of livestock, which is given to animals as a contribution to the normal routine ration, thereby balancing nutrition. Soybean husks are used not only as an additive to animal diets, but also as an additional source in feed production.

This product is a valuable food source containing useful substances in the diet of livestock, it is given to animals as a supplement to the normal routine ration, thanks to which the nutrition is balanced.

Soybean is used not only as an additive to animal rations, but also as an additional resource in feed production.

Soybean Pellets

Soybean Meal

Soybean Meal

Thanks to soy flour, which can be used in bread production and all bakery products, both the cost of the product can be reduced and the quality is increased. In addition, lean white soy flour increases the water holding ability of the dough during cooking. Thus, it prolongs the shelf life of the product and delays stale.

Soy flour does not cause any change in the moisture content of the products including bread since it keeps the water in its own structure. Strengthens the structure of the dough, makes the bread inside less and homogeneously porous, gives bread crispness.

With soy flour, the production cost of bread and bakery products decreases while the quality increases The usage areas of soy, which has been used in Far Eastern countries for 5 thousand years and whose value was realized only in the 20th century in Europe and the USA, is increasing day by day in the food industry.

He acknowledged and confirmed the claims about its positive effects on human health. According to this; Many soy products, especially lean soy flour containing 50 percent protein, can reduce the risk of heart attack by lowering blood cholesterol levels. It prevents osteoporosis, reduces the risk of developing prostate, breast, stomach and cell cancers.

Soy flour used with wheat flour provides a PER (protein effect ratio) value close to milk.